Light in the darkness - Impact Report 2023
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
Last year, New Hope helped 449 different people in Watford and Three Rivers who were homeless or who had recent experience of homelessness. Together, we:
Gave advice and food to 250 people at the Haven, including 112 people who had never used New Hope services before
Provided 30 individuals who were rough sleeping with a crisis Outreach Plus bed
Accommodated 64 different people in our emergency winter accommodation
Helped 85 people grow in confidence and self-esteem thorugh horticultural therapy and wellbeing activites
Supported 119 people and family units with their tenancies
And much more!
Please read Light in the Darkness - New Hope’s Impact Report 2023 tgo discover how together we have prevented homelessness and seen lives transformed. Please read Jan’s, Shuweb’s, and Emma’s stories - three very different accounts of New Hope has helped people get their lives back on track.