Changes to Rough Sleeping Prevention Service opening times
As the coronavirus crisis unfolded we made rapid changes to our services, including the Rough Sleeping Prevention Service which is based at the Haven. Now that lockdown is easing and the government’s Everyone In scheme is coming to an end, the Rough Sleeping Prevention Service is reverting to its original purpose of offering support to people who are rough sleeping.
Changes to Opening Times
Sunday 5th July - CLOSED
From Monday 6th July, the opening hours will be as follows:
Monday to Friday
8.30am-10.30am for a hot takeaway breakfast and packed lunch.
1-2-1 meetings with support staff are available at 11am, 12noon and 2pm. Please ask a member of staff for details.
8.30am-10.30am for a hot takeaway breakfast and packed lunch.
There are no support sessions on a Saturday.
Please note that we will still be serving food through the gate.
Sundays - closed