Christmas deliveries

The staff at New Hope’s Tenancy Sustainment Team are enjoying delivering Christmas presents (donated by members of the public) to people who now live in their own homes, following a period of homelessness. One of the TST staff members said this:

This time last year M was in a really bad place, suicidal in fact. This year, although it started badly with the threat of eviction, M is now looking forward to Christmas Day in his own home and has invited his dad round. M has put up Christmas decorations and loved the gifts we brought him.

Another Christmas box delivered to a delighted sixty-eight year lady. I was there the first night she came to the Sanctuary, she was terrified. Now to see her today fills me full of joy and pride at what New Hope does for the most vulnerable in our society.

Thank you to everyone who has donated Christmas presents for the people supported by New Hope!

Rebecca Palmer