SWEP+ Watford's Winter Night Shelter


New Hope, in partnership with local churches and Watford Borough Council, is providing emergency shelter every night in December 2018 and January 2019. SWEP+ will provide up to 15 people with a safe place to sleep, away from the wind, the rain, the cold and the dangers of the street.

Will you help? We are recruiting three members of staff to run SWEP+ (deadline 5th October) as well as 40 volunteers! Please visit www.newhope.org.uk/volunteer to find out more about these essential volunteer roles. Are you able to spend two evenings or two nights helping some of the most vulnerable in our community? If so, please contact Ekta, New Hope’s Volunteer Co-ordinator on egurney@newhope.org.uk or phone 01923 210 680.

We would be grateful if you could advertise these volunteer roles in your networks. Sam and Rebecca from the Fundraising Team are available to come and share about this exciting new provision and the difference it is going to make. Simply get in touch with us to arrange a date!

Porridge (individual microwavable pots), Cup-a-Soup, sugar and coffee are also needed so that people can have something warm to eat and drink. Please give Sam a call on 01923 227 132 or email sweightman@newhope.org.uk for more information.

Thank you for your help!

Sam Weightman