How to help someone who is homeless | New Hope

Unfortunately, there's been a substantial rise in homelessness over the last five years. This means that you’re now more likely to spot someone sleeping rough on the streets of the UK. For this reason, we’ve put together a useful guide on how to help someone who is experiencing homelessness. 

What should you say to someone who is homeless?

Being homeless can be an extremely lonely and isolating experience, which is why a friendly conversation could really make someone’s day. Often, people facing homelessness are unsure where to go for physical or mental help, meaning that they can go long periods of time without receiving the support they need.

The best way to strike up a conversation would be with a simple “Hello, how are you?” If the person feels comfortable, and wishes to engage in conversation, you could then ask if they need help with anything. Sometimes, they may just appreciate the opportunity to have a friendly chat!

But if you are concerned for someone’s safety, you can give our 24/7 emergency helpline a call, and our Outreach Plus service will offer the appropriate support.

What should you give a person experiencing homelessness?

It’s always important to ask before giving, as not everyone experiencing homelessness will be in need of the same thing. In most cases, giving money isn’t the best solution, as this can be quickly spent and not always in the right way. For this reason, we suggest giving useful items like warm clothing, warm/cool drinks, food, sunscreen, socks, sleeping bags and bedding. 

But it’s not just people sleeping on the streets who may be in need of certain items. At New Hope, you can donate to someone who is currently accessing our homelessness services, such as our short term accommodation. Plus, you can also donate items of food to The Haven and support our fresh food fund.

How can you volunteer to support those facing homelessness?

At New Hope, we’re always looking for volunteers to help out. Whether you’d like to help locate people who are at risk of homelessness, or perhaps work in one of our shops there are many ways to lend a hand. Plus, that’s not the only way that you can get involved. You can support those facing homelessness by taking part in a fundraising event too. 

We’ve got loads of fun events that you can join in with or, if you’d prefer, you can organise your own event. Whether it’s hosting your own cake sale, doing a sponsored run or even organising an auction — whatever it is, we’d love to hear about it. 

The money you raise will go towards supporting those who are experiencing homelessness in the local area. Just one small act of fundraising or signing up to become a volunteer could make a real difference to someone’s life. 

How can you help end homelessness?

Homelessness severely impacts people's lives, which is why we’re on a mission to end the problem once and for all. But we can’t do it alone. If you’re passionate about transforming lives and helping to prevent more people from losing their homes, then there are plenty of ways you can help. 

Even the smallest thing, such as discussing the impact of homelessness with friends and family, helps to raise awareness. Educate yourself and those around you on the causes and consequences of homelessness, perhaps you could even encourage a friend to donate.

As mentioned above, getting involved with homelessness charities is a great way to help ensure those sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness can get the support they need. The more people who are happy to help, the more chance we have to win the fight against homelessness. 

Hilary Garcia