Communal garden used by vulnerable families refreshed

“Being in nature meets so many of our needs.  It is restorative, encourages belonging and offers meaning and purpose.”

Alongside the Three Rivers District Council (TRDC), New Hope has worked to improve the garden and natural space at the temporary accommodation unit in South Oxhey. The accommodation is owned by TRDC and temporarily houses up to 20 vulnerable families whilst permanent accommodation is sought.

To go alongside the improved garden, we offered families a planting session, to provide information on how flowers pollinate vegetables and the benefits of gardening to mental well-being and general health. We are offering this as a monthly engagement session, which will focus on art, planting and education.

Ian Bond, Manager of Cultivate, said: “Being in nature meets so many of our needs.  It is restorative, encourages belonging and offers meaning and purpose. Thank you to Three Rivers District Council and its partners as well as Carpenders Park Garden Centre and Plant Nursery for their generous donation of plants and materials which have made the planting up of the therapeutic garden possible.”

As part of the revamped garden, the council team, alongside Play Rangers and Caloo, installed new facilities in the garden, including play equipment, willow tunnels, bug hotels, a chalk station, outdoor whiteboard, a story telling-area and new plants as well as painting a flower meadow mural.

Jade Jones