Jubilee Celebrations
Staff, volunteers and supporters went the extra mile over the Jubilee Weekend to include service users in the national celebrations and to raise money for New Hope.
The Haven had a wonderful day celebrating the Jubilee! They wanted to make sure that everyone had an opportunity to celebrate and be included in this momentous occasion, and they managed that with style!
Residents at the Sanctuary Emergency Accommdation enjoyed some fantastic events over the long weekend, including a quirky queen quiz, bingo and movies - all with extra goodies and buffets! Residents commented on how much they appreciated the effort that had been put in to make it special for them, at a time when others would be celebrating with family and friends, it was so very good that they too could enjoy a real sense of fun and community on this once-in-a-lifetime occasion!
New Hope House celebrated this historic occasion with a barbeque for the residents!
We were so blessed over the weekend that some of our amazing supporters did some fabulous fundraising for us! A group of girls from St Helen's School ran a plant sale in aid of New Hope at the Eastbury Residents' Association Jubilee Fair - and raised over £850! Their entrepreneurial skills were second to none as they first gathered the plants, organised the display and made the sales! Thank you so much to them and their parents for this incredible achievement!!
We were also wonderfully blessed by one of our extremely faithful supporters on Denmark Street, who raised funds for New Hope at their street party. All her hard work and enthusiasm really paid off as they raised well over £800! Thank you to her and to the residents of Denmark Street for your generous support!!
Both the Croxley and the Watford shops were decorated with lovely Jubilee displays to join in the celebrations and observe this special time.
Well done, everyone!