Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

We are absolutely delighted that this year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is nature!

Earlier this year we launched Cultivate; a horticulture-based program that sews the seeds for lifelong, meaningful pursuits that aid mental well-being in those recovering from addiction and/or homelessness.

Aside from being enjoyable and therapeutic, participants in projects such as Cultivate also develop a strong sense of responsibility and routine by taking charge of their own gardening projects. A deeper sense of empathy and kindness are also cultivated through engagement with the natural world.

For our Cultivate manager, Ian Bond, the initiative is:

“…about helping people stabilise and take in the nourishment of emotional and physical safety, trusted relationships and regaining some control in their lives so that they can achieve that upward growth in their lives.”

Stay tuned to our social media channels this week as we mark Mental Health Awareness Week by sharing how nature plays a pivotal role in recovery across all of New Hope’s services.

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