New hope for a new home

Rebecca Palmer, Fundraising and Communications Manager writes:

Can you remember moving into your first place? I can remember the excitement when I moved into my own flat; trips to IKEA (followed by inept attempts to build my new furniture), house-warming presents from friends, and the joy of inviting people over to see my new pad.

Yet, moving into your own home isn’t always fun and a celebration. It can be isolating, frustrating and challenging.


We recently helped a gentleman who moved from long-term rough sleeping and sofa-surfing straight into social housing. He had no bed, no chair, no white goods – absolutely nothing – and no money in order to buy the essentials needed to make his new accommodation a home.

We put out an appeal on Facebook and Twitter and within a few days, the man had received all that he needed! Thank you, Watford!

Sadly, many people are in similar situations: the volunteers in the Queens Road shop provide starter packs and we work hard to help people access grants and vouchers so that the very basics, such as a fridge and a microwave, can be purchased.

Many generous and kind individuals have donated items of furniture and bought house-warming gifts from the Amazon wishlist - including Vinci Construction who have bought over £500 worth of items to help people make a new start in their new homes!

Gifts from Vinci

Gifts from Vinci

With your help, we are making difficult situations a little better; bringing joy and hope to people as they move into their own homes.

Rebecca Palmer