A life-saving donation from the Mayor's Fund

Last week we were visited by Peter Taylor, Elected Mayor of Watford and Kim Bloomfield, Partnerships and Funding Manager from Watford Borough Council to see the new portable defibrillator that was funded by the Mayor’s Fund. We are so grateful for the support or the Mayor and the local council for making projects like this possible.

Some of the people we work with are extremely vulnerable, particularly those who are struggling with addiction, and so the addition of a rapid-access, life-saving device like this portable defibrillator creates an additional layer of safety within our services.

The new defibrillator has also been registered with The Circuit, a national database of all defibrillators that can be accessed in an emergency by the emergency services. Every local defibrillator added to this network increases the the chance of survival if someone goes into cardiac arrest and makes Watford a safer place for everyone.

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